Manufactured in the UK

Leading Water Filter Experts

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RF800-600 Eel screens
RF800-900 self-cleaning raw water intakes for eel screening
RF800-600 Eel screens
RF800-900 self-cleaning raw water intakes for eel screening

RF800LW Self-cleaning Strainers and Eel Screens

Self-cleaning Industrial Water Strainers and Eel Screens. Our RF800LW industrial strength, low maintenance, stainless steel self-cleaning basket strainers protect equipment from blocking and blinding when pumping dirty water. These suction side screens handle up to 1085m3/hour, 4,775 US GPM.

Key Features

  • Protects pumps and other equipment from blocking
  • Meets EPA and EA rules for fish and eel protection
  • All stainless steel construction
  • Option for marine grade Stainless Steel
  • Optional differential pressure switch
  • Continuous cleaning, continuous supply

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RF800LW Self-cleaning Strainers and Eel Screens

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Specifications & Dimensions

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To view accurate specification and dimension details


Pipe diagram
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
217 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
184 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
162 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
9 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
325 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
276 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
244 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
13.5 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
434 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
369 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
325 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
18 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
542 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
461 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
407 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
22.5 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
651 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
553 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
488 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
27 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
760 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
646 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
570 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
31.5 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
868 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
738 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
651 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
36 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
977 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
830 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
732 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
40.5 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 2 mm woven mesh
1085 m3/h
Max Flow Rate with 1mm woven mesh
922 m3/h
Max Flow Rate at 0.1 m/s approach velocity
814 m3/h
Backwash Required @ 0.5 bar
45.5 m3/h


LW Dimensions
555 mm
950 mm
175 kg
675 mm
950 mm
181 kg
775 mm
950 mm
187 kg
885 mm
950 mm
193 kg
995 mm
950 mm
199 kg
1075 mm
950 mm
205 kg
1175 mm
950 mm
211 kg
1275 mm
950 mm
217 kg
1375 mm
950 mm
224 kg

Prices & ordering

  • All Models
  • RF800-200LW
  • RF800-300LW
  • RF800-400LW
  • RF800-500LW
  • RF800-600LW
  • RF800-700LW
  • RF800-800LW
  • RF800-900LW
  • RF800-1000LW
Model No. 304 Stainless 316 Stainless

Rotorflush RF800LW Strainers

Rotorflush RF800-700LW Self-cleaning strainers in production and ready to go. Fitted with 2 mm aperture mesh, max flow through of 760 m3/hr.

General Information about RF800LW self-cleaning basket strainers

Self-cleaning Industrial Water Filters and Strainers used as eel and fish screens, or for pumping dirty or contaminated water.

RF800LW filters are general purpose suction intake basket strainers with a built-in self-cleaning mechanism that back-washes their mesh as your pump draws water. These are all stainless steel, high volume screens developed specifically to meet the challenges of EPA and Environment Agency regulations for raw water abstraction.  Ideal for Eel screening and Fish protection.

The designation RF800LW indicates that the filter body has stretched mesh under tension as its body rather than a basket cage.  This gives exceptional open area to the screen, allowing more flow for the basket area. Dirty water is screened at source, helping to prevent the intake, pump and any connected equipment from blocking. 

These 950 mm diameter self-cleaning intakes attach to the suction of surface mounted pumps. Here are some typical uses of these filters:

  • Irrigation and livestock watering
  • Cooling water screening for EPA Rule 316 (b) and Eel Regulations compliance
  • Filtration for spray bars and fountains
  • Screening industrial process water
  • Screening water when draining / flooding wetlands
  • Protecting district wide heat pump installations
  • Screening for desalination plant intakes
RF800LW Optimised

RF800-600LWs assembled ready for testing

Self-cleaning water intake screens - ‘AR’ type screens or ‘LW’ type screens?

The difference between a self-cleaning intake screen or filter designated AR, and a self-cleaning intake screen or filter designated LW is in their construction.

‘AR' type strainers and filters are made with a cage frame around which filter mesh is wrapped. This is held in place by a clamp. The filters are easily identifiable as ’AR' type, as the filter mesh area comprises a series of mesh windows.

‘LW’ type strainers and filters do not have a cage body; the mesh is the filter body.  The filter mesh is tensioned between the filter top and bottom plates, and is tight - like a drum skin.  This gives the mesh structural integrity and strength.  ‘LW’ filters are easily identifiable as the body is all mesh.

What's the diff?

AR filters up to 600 mm diameter can be fitted with mesh down to 315 microns. The ‘AR’ type self-cleaning filters and strainers are very strong - the body being made up of a cage and a clamp - two layers of steel - and are suitable where conditions are challenging such as turbulent river or seawater locations.

The downside is that they handle less water for the size of screen, because the open area of the mesh is reduced by the cage and clamp.

LW filters can only be fitted with mesh of 1 mm or greater aperture. This is because the mesh needs to be robust enough to tension. The ‘LW’ type self-cleaning filters and strainers are also strong - but are more suited to applications and settings where low intake velocities are required - for example for fish or eel screening at cooling water and raw water intakes.

The on the plus side they handle more water than the ‘AR’ type filters for the same size of screen, because the open area of the mesh is maximised; the mesh is area is not reduced by a supporting cage or clamp.

AR type vs LW type self-cleaning strainers and filters

'AR' type self-cleaning strainers and filters compared with 'LW' type self-cleaning strainers and filters

Rotorflush RF800LW self-cleaning suction intakes can be fitted with:

316 stainless Woven Mesh

A coarse woven mesh screen providing low maintenance cycles, filters and screens with coarse mesh come fitted with rubber backwash jets which are suitable for handling larger particles. Ideal difficult water conditions.

Mesh apertures available: 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm mesh or contact us if you have a particular requirement.

RF800LW self-cleaning basket strainers are ideal for screening and pumping raw water, cooling water, and sea water, particularly where there is a need to protect aquatic life. Their high volume, low-velocity intake easily complies with EPA and Enviroment Agency rules.

The strainers have a dry weight range from approx. 80kg - 150 kg depending on model and outlet flange size, lifting gear is required to move them. RF800LWs can be suspended in lakes, lagoons or rivers, or floated from buoys, or raised and lowered on a guide-rail system.  They can often be bolted directly on to the intake of vertical and immersible pumps.

For best performance, make sure that there is good clearance around the strainer mesh so that back-washed debris can disperse, and that the RF800LW is above any silt or sludge that may accumulate.

We also manufacture stands and guide rails specifically designed for our products to help you site and maintain them.

Usually very little. Although they are self-cleaning all of our products will require a manual clean every once in a while.

Stainless mesh can be cleaned with a pressure washer. How often depends on your mesh size and what you are filtering.

As a minimum we recommend the following:

  • Coarse mesh that is 1 mm or bigger should be inspected and cleaned every 6 - 12 months

Full maintenance guidelines can be found in the instruction manual available from the download link above.

All our products are guaranteed for at least a year.  Full details in our Terms and Conditions.

Why Rotorflush?

RF800-900LWs lined up and ready to go

Designed & Manufactured in the UK

All our products are made to order, and many can be made to customer specifications.

  • Built to meet your requirements
  • Screen dirty water down to 1 mm
  • Made to order in the UK
  • All stainless steel construction
Works with vertical pumps too

Experts in Water Screening and Filtration

Our products and expertise have been appreciated by satisfied customers for over 2 decades.

  • Industry experts for over 20 years
  • 1000's of products in use worldwide
  • Successfully screening 10 - 7,225 US GPM / 2 - 1,640 m3 hr
  • Our products keep water flowing by protecting pumps, screens, spray bars…….
  • .…nozzles, heat exchangers and other connected equipment from blocking
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Worldwide delivery and service

Through our worldwide distribution network, we offer the ability to:

  • Deliver filters and strainers worldwide
  • Help service your filter or strainer
  • Repair a broken filter or strainer (whatever you've done to it…)

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Call us now on 01297 560 229 | 8am - 5pm GMT,

or Email and a member of our expert, friendly team will call you back and find the filter or strainer for your needs.

  • We work with you to identify your issues
  • We can design & build a custom solution
  • We can deliver our solution worldwide
Production Boss
We'll help you find the right RF800LW for you

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