Rotorflush Pebble Filterpumps™. Pebble submersible filter pump with built-in self-cleaning filter on the pump suction intake. It has a maximum output of 80 L/min and a max head of 6m. They are our smallest filter pump, ideal for sampling, eel passes, small water features, and domestic use.
Pebble Filterpumps™
Rotorflush Omnia Filterpumps™. Submersible pumps with built-in pump suction self-cleaning filters. Single phase low head filter pumps - up to 220 litres a minute, 45 US GPM. Ideal for sampling and small open loop heat pump systems.
Price from: £2,260
RF100 Range Self-cleaning Filters. RF100 self-cleaning filters are designed to protect dry mounted pumps and other equipment from blocking while water is being pumped. They are pump suction hose filters available with 1, 2, or 3 filter heads, for a range of flow rates up to 90 litres a minute, 24 US GPM. They can be fitted with 60, 115 or 250 micron mesh, US Mesh 230, 120 and 60.
Price from: £300
The Pebble is our smallest filter pump and is suitable for applications that require a low flow and pressure or are low on installation space. A puddle pump with a self-cleaning filter in the pump suction intake to screen out debris as it pumps.
Here are some of the uses for Pebble Filterpumps™:
Pebble Filterpumps™ can be fitted with:
316 Stainless Steel Sintered Mesh in 315 micron.
A robust screen that can be easily cleaned with a pressure washer. Ideal for heat pumps and other applications with small tolerances.
Due to their small size, Pebbles can be installed in a number of ways.
The key thing to remember is to make sure that they have a lot of clear space around the mesh for the back-washed debris to be dispersed into and that they are not sat in a silt or sludge build up.
Although they are self-cleaning all of our products will require a manual clean every once in a while.
Stainless mesh can be cleaned with a pressure washer. How often depends on what you are filtering.
As a minimum, we recommend the following:
Full maintenance guidelines can be found in the instruction manual available from the download link above.
All our products are guaranteed for a year. Full details can be found in our Terms and Conditions.
What is the difference between a Rotorflush Filterpump™ and a filter pump?
A filter pump is a pump with a filter on the intake; a Rotorflush Filterpump™ is our unique, award-winning submersible pump with a built-in self-cleaning filter on the pump intake that keeps the intake filter clear and protects the pump from blocking and clogging.
Talk to our friendly team of engineers to discuss your design requirements.
Talk to our friendly team of engineers to discuss your design requirements.
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