What indeed. Clearly the maintenance of ponds is a dark art, terabytes of information on the minutiae of pond maintenance are returned after even the most cursory of internet searches. And the ‘Pond Pump’ looms large in the literature - closely followed by articles of doom and gloom concerning ‘Pond Pump Filters’.
Scanning the search results, a creeping sense of F.O.M.O. develops, as it seems one may be the only person on Earth not tending to a lily-pad-strewn haven for frogs and newts.
A Pond Pump is simply a pump used for moving water around a pond. It can be virtually any kind of pump – submersible, diaphragm, surface mounted, centrifugal, whatever. As long as the media being pumped - comes from a pond.
You may consider that we here at Rotorflush Filters Limited, being manufacturers of industrial pumps and filtration equipment, are not best placed to advise or comment on the arcane uses of pond equipment. But not so, we have previous.
In the mists of time at the dawn of Rotorflush, the company launched a phenomenally successful self-cleaning Pond Pump Filter that sold by the boat load. Yes, we’ve done our time on Planet Pond Pump.
A small pond, without maintenance, may easily become a stagnant, lifeless, malodorous blot on the garden landscape. Circulating the water, and constructing ways of oxygenating the water, helps to stave off the worst effects of anaerobic bacteria and encourages a diversity of aquatic life, leading, it is hoped, to a sustainable ecology within the pond and its surrounds.
A small fountain or faux waterfall goes a long way to maintaining the health and pleasant aspect of a pond. So, what could be simpler than running a small pump to keep a gentle current of oxygenated water flowing?
Ponds are harsh places for pumps. Long stringy pump impeller choking blanket weed, sudden blooms of thick and bright green algae, leaf litter, tadpoles, sand - all contrive to stem the flow of water into the pump, grind its puny motor to a halt and smother whatever screening has vainly been attached. And so a constant battle throughout the seasons of the year ensues between pond pump and pond owner
Rotorflush Filters Ltd got out of the pond filter game, bigger fish and all that, but some of our products may be of use to the hapless weed ridden pond owner trying to breathe life into what would otherwise merely become a watery grave for tadpoles and newts.
Our smaller self-cleaning suction intake filters can be fitted to some makes of submersible Pond Pump that have a ¾ inch connection (up to 30 litres a minute) or a 1 ¼ inch connection (up to 90 litres a minute)
Have a look at our small filters page HERE.
As for pumps, our smallest filterpumps are perhaps a tad large for the average garden pond, but these can be found HERE.
…about how Rotorflush self-cleaning filters and submersible filterpumps could help keep your pond and water features in tip-top condition.
Contact the Rotorflush team for a discussion with our knowledgeable and friendly staff.
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