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Automatic Self-cleaning Strainers - Water Strainers with Backwash

What are Automatic Self-cleaning Water Strainers?

Automatic Self-cleaning Water Strainers are strainers on the inlet side of a pump. They screen out debris and that might block the pump and have an automatic means of keeping the strainer mesh clean.

Rotorflush automatic self-cleaning water strainers are an excellent example. They are coarse screened self-cleaning strainers that connect to the suction hose of surface mounted pumps. These automatic strainers are fitted with a single sheet of perforated stainless steel mesh which forms the filter cage. Standard perforated mesh sizes are 3mm and 6mm. The automatic self-cleaning strainers have a capacity range of 220 litres per minute to over 1000 m3 / hr.

All our self-cleaning water filters and strainers have an internal cleaning rotor that is powered by water taken via a 'T' off the output of your pump. This water supply continuously backwashes the automatic strainer screen by pushing away anything that might cause it to block or blind.

These automatic self-cleaning water strainers can operate in very dirty water and are ideal for use where there is a need to filter coarsely to protect pumps and other downstream equipment.

Large and Larger eel screens
Lots of automatic self-cleaning strainers

Automatic Self-cleaning Strainers come in all Shapes and Sizes. They are ideal for eel screening and protecting raw water intakes.

Hit the buttons below to see all our Automatic Self-cleaning Strainers and self-cleaning filters, and read more about them.

Or call us now on 01297 560 229 | 8am - 5pm GMT, or Email and a member of our expert, friendly team will call you back and find the filter or strainer for your needs.

  • We work with you to identify your issues
  • We can design & build a custom solution
  • We can deliver our solution worldwide
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All our self-cleaning Strainers