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Automatic Self-cleaning Filters - Water Filters with Backwash

Automatic Self-cleaning Suction Hose Filters

  • Remove debris from water as you pump
  • Waste less time unblocking pumps and strainers
  • Intake filters that self-clean
  • Any size you want (almost!)
See all our self-cleaning intakes here..
Selection of sizes of self-ceaning filters and screens

What is a Rotorflush Self-cleaning Filter?

A Rotorflush self-cleaning filter is a water filter or strainer that attaches to the suction hose pipe of a surface mounted water pump. Its purpose is to screen or filter dirty water so that the pump and any other equipment is protected from blocking.

A self-cleaning water filter or strainer on the pump suction hose will allow a pump to operate in very challenging water. Extreme weather can turn a clear river into a torrent of weed, mud, branches, rubbish, and sometimes sewage from overflow. Even the hardiest chopper pump may struggle to abstract in such conditions. A self-cleaning filter on the pump suction hose screening to, for example 1 mm, can allow powerful centrifugal pumps to operate in spite of such conditions.

What is the Purpose of a Self-cleaning Strainer or Filter?

The purpose of a self-cleaning strainer is to prevent the intake screen from blocking.  Unlike static strainers and intakes, Rotorflush self-cleaning filters continuously backwash their filter mesh to keep the pump intake clear while protecting the pump from clogging with weed, debris and other detritus.

How do Rotorflush Self-cleaning Water Filters and Strainers Work??

A continuous backwash pushes away any particulate that might block the intake mesh.  The backwash operates whenever the pump is working so that rubbish and weed do not get a chance to accumulate on the mesh. 

These self-cleaning pump intake filters can be used when pumping raw water, industrial process water, laundry water, final effluent from treatment works, dairy run-off, or anywhere else where contaminants and particulate pose a problem for pumps, heat exchangers, spray bars, fountainheads or irrigation equipment.

Rotorflush self-cleaning filters and strainers are simplicity itself.  They have two connections – the filter output connection to a pump suction line, and a smaller backwash connection. They are designed to be powered by a small amount of pumped output, which means they do not need their own power supply.

More valuable Information about Self-cleaning Strainers

Their powerful cleaning rotor and jets clear the entire filter mesh every rotation – and the jets spin at 60+ rpm. Rotorflush pump suction intake self-cleaning filters and strainers allow water to be filtered and pumped simultaneously, often doing away with the need for secondary filtration.

Their brilliant, straightforward and scale-able design means these self-cleaning filters and screens can be used on the suction intake of a huge range of pumps. Rotorflush self-cleaning filters can be used on the suction hose of surface mounted pumps delivering duties from 30 litres a minute up to 2000 m3 / hr. 

They are easy to connect and install, ideal for a wide range of applications and suitable for most locations.  Often the need for major civil engineering work at permanent intake sites is reduced if Rotorflush self-cleaning intakes can be used in lieu of more expensive purpose-built screening. 

Maintenance is infrequent. Rotorflush self-cleaning filters and screens are often the first line of protection to cooling systems and heat exchanges, screening source water in compliance with environmental regulations.

Lovely Stainless Steel

When used on the suction intake hose of surface mounted pumps Rotorflush self-cleaning filters and screens can save money. They can reduce costly downtime and help extend pump life by reducing the instance of dry running due to blockage.

Rotorflush self-cleaning filters are built with strength and quality in mind. Pumps and strainers often operate in harsh conditions and treated unkindly. All medium and larger sized Rotorflush self-cleaning pump intake filters are made from stainless steel with industrial rubber cleaning jets. They are made to outlive your pump. 

Sooner or later, your surface mounted pump will need a Rotorflush self-cleaning filter or and strainer on its suction hose…!