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Leading Water Filter Experts

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News and Articles

Select an industry or application filter to view relevant content and insights directly from our experts who design, engineer and service unique filtration solutions.
Analyser Filters
Eel Screening
Waste Water Treatment
Water Source Heat Pump Filtration
Industrial Process Water
Raw Water Intake
Water Industry
Cooling Water
EPA Rule 316(b)
Liquid Solids Separation
How does it work
Glen Campbell mixing up a coupla vodka martinis
Naomi Way

Keep On-line Analysers and Dosing Systems Running

How to protect continuous water analysis Instrumentation from getting blocked by contaminated sample water. Innovative ways to keep dosing systems and water monitoring equipment working with difficult sample water. Ways to screen sample water to stop water analysis and monitoring equipment from blocking.

Pumps struggling in v dirty shallow water
Liaski Genai

How do I unclog a pump intake?

By far the best way of dealing with blocked and clogged pumps is to take steps to ensure that your pump does not get blocked in the first place. The use of self-cleaning intakes on suction hose, and submersible pumps with self-cleaning intakes will go a long way to achieving this.

Difficult pumping conditions
Aiden G Patch

How to Pump Dirty and Contaminated Water

How to Pump and Screen Dirty Water Without Blocking Your Pump (or anything else along the way)

Raw Water Intake Needing Screening
Liaski Genai

How to Keep Fish and Eel Screens from Blocking

How to stop fish and eel screens from clogging and blocking. How to reduce intake screen maintenance costs.

2 under par??
Jim Hosford

Improve your Golf Course the Rotorflush Way!

Take your Golf course maintenance and irrigation to the next level with Rotorflush self-cleaning filter and filter pump products.

custom designed filter for low water levels
Naomi Way

Navigating Raw Water Screening Challenges

Discover how self-cleaning filters from Rotorflush offer a versatile solution to the challenges of raw water intake screening. Explore how these filters can be adapted to fluctuating water levels, environmental aesthetics, and infrastructure constraints, providing efficient screening for both temporary and permanent installations.

Lovely lettuces thriving on filtered water
C J Hiscock


Self-cleaning filters and submersible pumps with self-cleaning inlet strainers for water circulation and re-use in hydroponic systems.