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Rotorflush Pebble Filterpumps™. Pebble submersible filter pump with built-in self-cleaning filter on the pump suction intake. It has a maximum output of 80 L/min and a max head of 6m. They are our smallest filter pump, ideal for sampling, eel passes, small water features, and domestic use.
Price from: £910
RF100 Range Self-cleaning Filters. RF100 self-cleaning filters are designed to protect dry mounted pumps and other equipment from blocking while water is being pumped. They are pump suction hose filters available with 1, 2, or 3 filter heads, for a range of flow rates up to 90 litres a minute, 24 US GPM. They can be fitted with 60, 115 or 250 micron mesh, US Mesh 230, 120 and 60.
Price from: £300
The RF100AN-Q Analyser Filter System. Designed to provide filtered sample water for analysers and dosing pump systems. The system incorporates a Rotorflush self-cleaning filter, to protect equipment and ensure low maintenance sampling and monitoring. It is excellent for filtering difficult samples contaminated with suspended solids for supply to chlorine, ammonia and other analysers.
Price from: £3,490
Rotorflush Omnia Filterpumps™. Submersible pumps with built-in pump suction self-cleaning filters. Single phase low head filter pumps - up to 220 litres a minute, 45 US GPM. Ideal for sampling and small open loop heat pump systems.
Price from: £2,260
RF200 Self-cleaning Filters. RF200 self-cleaning filters provide effective screening for surface mounted pump intakes. The RF200 pump suction hose filters can screen from 50 microns - 6 mm, handling up to 220 litres a minute, 58 US GPM. A continuous backwash keeps the intake screen clear.
Price from: £1,700
Rotorflush Idrogo Filterpumps™. Medium-head submersible filter pumps with built-in self-cleaning filter on their intake. Stainless steel bodied pumps, ideal for domestic and small scale industrial use, delivering up to 120 litres per minute, maximum head 80 metres.
Price from: £3,045
RF300 self-cleaning filters. RF300 self-cleaning filters provide effective screening for surface mounted pump intakes. The RF200 pump suction hose filters can screen from 50 microns - 6 mm, handling up to 560 litres a minute, 148 US GPM. A continuous backwash keeps the intake screen clear.
Price from: £2,760
Rotorflush Nauti Filterpumps™. High-head submersible filter pumps with built-in self-cleaning filters on the suction intake. They have a maximum output of 220 litres a minute, and can pump up to 10 bar. Pumping and filtration are combined. All stainless steel construction.
Price from: £2,915
Rotorflush Nauti Filterpumps™. Now available in 60 Hz supple High-head submersible filter pumps with built-in self-cleaning filters on the suction intake. They have a maximum output of 60 USGPM, and can pump up to 375 ft. Pumping and filtration are combined. All stainless steel construction.
Price from: £2,665
How Our Filter Pumps work...
See how our award-winning submersible filter pumps with integral self-cleaning intake, work and how they can be easily installed. Enjoy!
Experts in Self-Cleaning Water Filtration and Screening
Rotorflush Filters Ltd design, manufacture, engineer and supply unique self-cleaning water filtration and screening products, supporting your project from concept through to installation.
Eel and fish screening, irrigation projects, cooling water, and water source heat pumps
What Our Filter Pumps do...
Watch a video of our smallest (200 litres a minute) submersible filter pump with integral self-cleaning intake, fitted with 300 micron mesh, pumping and not blocking up in disgustingly dirty water. Enjoy!
Rotorflush Filters produce standard and bespoke self-cleaning filters and strainers for pump suction hose intakes. We also produce a range of submersible filter pumps, pumps with built-in self-cleaning pump intake filters. All our products incorporate our patented and unique Rotorflush self-cleaning filter technology.
As a Company we help our customers manage their water filtration and screening problems and comply with legislation for eel and fish protection.
For example, we can help you to keep pumps unblocked, keep fountains looking good and irrigation equipment unblocked and running. Our products allow water to be screened or filtered as you pump directly from a river, reservoir, tank, sump, the sea or other water source.
They protect pumps, heat exchangers, and analytical instruments, spray bars and more while ensuring a continuous filtered supply from your pump in very dirty water conditions.
Browse our product range to find out more.
The patented design of Rotorflush Filterpumps™ and pump suction hose self-cleaning filters and strainers resolves the problem of blocked pumps in dirty water.
Pumping and filtration is combined in one easy to install, very low maintenance self-cleaning intake product.
Continuous supply, continuous cleaning.
Talk to our friendly team of engineers to discuss your design requirements.
Standard and Custom Made Filtration Products
Through our worldwide distribution network, we offer the ability to:
Become a Distributor for Rotorflush
Rotorflush Filters Ltd is an award-winning UK manufacturing company, selling directly to customers worldwide. We are establishing a network of distributors and already have representation in some Countries.
We are particularly interested in potential distributors from the USA and Canada.
If you are interested in selling our unique self-cleaning filter products where you live, contact us using the form below, or call!
Or Email sales@rotorflush.com
and a member of our expert, friendly team will be in touch to find the filter pump or self-cleaning filter for your needs.
Get the Filtration Your Project Requires. Talk to Our Friendly Team
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